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Nintendo has set up a special Miiverse channel to mourn the service's imminent end

Miissing you already.

Nintendo's great Miiverse experiment, in which the company made the bold, absurdly ambitious move to establish its own game-related social media service for Wii U and 3DS, was equal parts brilliant and baffling.

In its heyday, it was a truly wonderful place, alive with japes, jokes, memes, often incredible drawings, and infused with a real community spirit; at its still-endearing worst, it bought us the likes of "Y can't Metroid crawl".

Sadly, the whole beautiful folly is coming to an end on November 7th. Until then, though, Nintendo has set-up a special Miiverse channel - the Everybody's Message Community - as a kind of last hoorah, providing a place for users new and old to celebrate and reminisce about one of the internet's grandest, most glorious oddities.

Miiverse, you will be missed.

The Everybody's Message Community is already a hive of activity, perfectly capturing the often borderline insane tone of the service which launched alongside Wii U back in 2012.

A cursory glance at the board offers up both words of true wisdom and heartfelt eulogy. "Don't lev us Miivers", offers Francisco, while Monery reasonably asks, "Where will the memes go? :(". Elsewhere, users have contributed sad Kirbys, a sideways girl with cats for knees, a brutally honest "Good Riddance", and, inevitably, a crudely drawn penis.

You can head over to the Everybody's Message Community right now on your favourite internet browser to revel in the celebrations of Miiverse's all-too-brief existence. And if you fancy taking stylus to screen on either your 3DS or Wii U, you've got until October 11th to post a message of your own.

After that, the channel will be suspended and the final tearful countdown will begin.

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