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Nintendo guarantees 3DS won't sell out

"You'll get one no matter what."

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo has guaranteed that you'll be able to walk into a shop today, this weekend and next week, and buy a 3DS.

The Japanese company told Eurogamer the glasses-free handheld will not sell out in the UK – despite concerns over stock allocation.

"We have well in excess of the pre-orders available," UK marketing boss James Honeywell told Eurogamer last night at the Nintendo 3DS London launch.

"I know we haven't published an actual number, and I know there have been a lot of reports out there talking about numbers. All of those numbers are way short of the actual number.

"So there is literally no reason why you won't be able to go out tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and buy one."

Honeywell's comments reinforce those made to Eurogamer yesterday by UK shops. Of all the retailers canvassed, only Morrisons said pre-order demand had been so high that shelf stock had been affected.

A whopping 140,000 pre-orders were registered ahead of the console's launch last night.

Analysts and retailers suggest the 3DS could achieve sales of 200,000 this weekend - making it the biggest hardware launch of all time in the UK.

"The pre-orders are 140,000," Honeywell confirmed. "We've got way more than that available out there. So don't be put off by that. You can go out there and you'll be able to get one no matter what."

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