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Nintendo bids a fond farewell to Miiverse with a touching mosaic made of community doodles

Cry Mii a river.

Nintendo has released a rather lovely bit of art, made up of hundreds of different Miiverse posts, to bid the service farewell.

Miiverse - Nintendo's very own social media space for 3DS and Wii U - was easily one of the company's most barmily delightful ideas in recent times. But it finally disappeared forever last night (sniff), after five years of often-dumbfounding user-generated highs and lows.

In October, Nintendo launched the 'Everybody's Message Community' board to provide Miiverse users with a dedicated space to reminisce before the lights went out forever. Even that last vestige of the community is now gone, and all you'll see if you if you attempt to visit Miiverse is a rather low-key "Thank you to everyone who used Miiverse!" message, alongside the following mosaic. For the full effect, check out the massive version.

Click to enlarge your bitter-sweet remembrance.

Nintendo's composite of Miiverse posts is a rather touching way to commemorate the service's end, and, yes, I did spend the last ten minutes checking to see if a cheeky butt or dong had managed to sneak its way in there. About the most controversial thing I've found so far is a mildly aggressive 'Your "art" is trash' and a seemingly accusatory 'YOU LIKE JAZZ'. I've no idea if that last one's intended to be an insult or not.

It's certainly sad to see Miiverse go, but at least its finest cultural contributions will not be forgotten. Will its legacy live on in some shape or form when Nintendo's delayed online service launches properly on Switch next year? Only time will tell - but if not, we'll always have 'Y can't Metroid crawl' to see us through.

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