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Nintendo announces Wii U developer tech

Wii U games to leverage core game tools.

Nintendo has licensed several slices of well-known technology for developers to use creating Wii U games.

Developers can wield both Havok's physics tech and user-interface toolset Scaleform when making Wii U software.

This middleware technology allows for quicker and easier game development using familiar tools, something Nintendo may consider useful for ensuring Wii U sees plenty of multi-platform titles from third-party developers.

Scaleform is used to create HUDs and menus and can make snazzy-looking in-game affairs like the suit-based inventory seen in Dead Space.

It is part of a larger suite of tools from tech company Autodesk, all of which Nintendo has their hands on for Wii U. Also included is AI toolset Kynapse, as well as character animation tool HumanIK.

Havok's physics and animation tools will "give game developers everywhere easy access to Havok's industry-leading technology," boss of Havok Dave Coghlan said. "We are sure this license agreement will result in the creation of great interactive experiences for consumers on the Wii U platform!"

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