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Halo 2 expansion pack revealed

Bungie confirms rumours of a multiplayer add-on complete with nine new maps. And they might even be free. Eventually.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Following last week's confusion over a possible Halo 2 add-on, Bungie has confirmed that a multiplayer expansion pack will indeed be in the shops by the end of June.

The Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack contains nine new maps set in a wide variety of environments including Delta Halo's frozen tundra, the winding streets of Old Mombasa and the remains of an ancient temple - take a look at Bungie's full overview for more details.

The disc will also contain two videos: an animated single-player side-story set in New Mombasa, and a short documentary featuring interviews with the developers. It will be available from June 28 priced £14.99.

However, Xbox Live subscribers will be able to download four of the maps from late April onwards. 'Containment' and 'Warlock' will be free of charge, while 'Sanctuary' and 'Turf' will be available for purchase only - a UK price has yet to be confirmed, but US gamers will pay $5.99. Subscribers will then have the option to buy the remaining five maps on June 28 (US price $11.99).

Interestingly, Bungie's official website says that "by late summer, ALL the maps will be available for free" - something Microsoft's official press release neglects to mention. "The specific timeline and details will be released soon," according to Bungie. Microsoft was unavailable for comment at the time of writing.

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