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High-Def DOOM movie trailer

Rock! (Actor. No other meaning.)

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Going to Mars? Don't bother taking any cheese. Judging by the recently released trailer for the DOOM movie, which is available download now as a High Definition video, there's plenty to go around.

Of course, we've no idea whether the film will be good or bad. We have suspicions, but they're mainly to do with the lack of fountains of Hellish gore in the trailer. If the full film has Hell, lots of big scary demons that don't look at all like men-in-suits-with-four-buglike-eyes-QUICK-RUN and, dunno, they fire half the cast, it might be brilliant.

It's definitely more DOOM III than the others though - heck, it looks like they only have one flashlight, for a start. Heck I tells ya. Take a look anyway. It'll give you something to talk about in the pub, and then back away from occasionally reloading your glass.

For those of you without the capacity to view the High-Def version, there are streaming alternatives on the official DOOM movie website.

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