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Wii accessories list?

What's a 'Controller Glove'?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo Europe has claimed that details of Wii accessories and their prices on a US retailer website are just "rumour and speculation".

GameStop has named a number of intriguing add-ons for Nintendo's forthcoming console, all of which can be pre-ordered despite no official announcement from Nintendo.

These include an HD Premium Component Cable ($59.99) and a $9.99 Controller Glove. A sling bag will cost $29.99, says GameStop, suggesting will be able to casually carry your Wii around town and still look cool - rather than dragging your Xbox 360 along in a barrow like a ton of bricks.

When we contacted Nintendo PR to check if the list of accessories and prices were accurate, and to see if they were coming to European shores, we were told nothing had been confirmed and tactfully reminded the company does not comment on rumour or speculation. Except to declare it thus.

Other items named on Gamestop's site include a Wii G-Pak Travel Case, 512MB and 1GB SD cards, Wii Game Wallet, S-Video Premium AV Cable and a Wii Storage and Protection 1.0GB Kit.

It looks like everyone will just have to twiddle their thumbs for confirmation until Nintendo's press conferences on Thursday September 14 in the U.S. and Japan, and Friday September 15 in London.

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