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Auto Assault servers to merge

One big happy family.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Auto Assault's US and European servers are to merge this week, according to NCsoft and NetDevil.

Although the game reviewed fairly well, it's thought that the player-base isn't quite up there with some of NCsoft's bigger titles like City of Heroes and Lineage II - so the merger makes a certain amount of sense.

The result for players will be one big server, called Nexus, which is hosted in the US. The change is set to take place on July 13th.

With communities established in both regions already, NCsoft's posted a forum thread outlining the change and explaining how things will work for people with multiple characters on each server, what's going to happen to clans and so forth.

Those of you still riding around blowing each other up can check it out on the Auto Assault forums.

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