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New 3D PGR3 screenshot

Insert 360 pun here.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A 3D screenshot from forthcoming Xbox 360 title Project Gotham Racing 3 is now available for download.

It depicts a nice orange McLaren F1 LM, parked outside the Tokyo Metropolitan Government No 1 Building. "Pay particular attention to the reflection of the building on the car body," reads Bizarre Creations' latest online update, "And also the beautiful shimmer of the sun hitting the roof at certain angles." All right then.

PGR3 is down as an Xbox 360 launch title, but recent rumours have suggested we might be in for a bit of a wait.

Not if Bizarre has anything to do with it, though - apparently they're all working stupid amounts of overtime in a bid to get the game finished. Fingers crossed...

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