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Dirge of Cerberus dated

Valentine's day in, er, November.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Square Enix has confirmed its release date for Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII, which had been down for release on PlayStation 2 this month.

As it turns out, those of you waiting for this one will be able to pick it up on 17th November.

Starring Vincent Valentine, out of FF VII (obviously), Dirge of Cerberus delves into the world of the old-days PSone game three years after its events.

Valentine has to battle against an organisation called Deepground, and in the process players will experience various new aspects added to the game since its Japanese release - over 40 new missions, an Ex Hard mode and "improved moves and abilities".

Sadly there won't be any online play, because we never got the hard disk over here and, we suppose, it must require one, but never mind.

Look out for a review closer to release.

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