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Rainbow Six III coming to PS2

Breach and clear!

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft has announced plans to release Rainbow Six III on PlayStation 2 this March, following the success of the Live-enabled Xbox version particularly in the US. Ported by Ubisoft's Shanghai studio (the same folks who handled its PS2 version of Splinter Cell), Rainbow Six III retains the Xbox game's voice-activated command system (something of a mixed blessing), 15 single-player missions (including one exclusive) and, best of all, its multiplayer support.

Yes, unlike Ghost Recon, Island Thunder or any of the other ports, PS2 owners are not to receive short shrift this time, with PS2 Online support promised for up to eight players across three game modes. Furthermore offline players can look forward to a split-screen two-player mode, presumably co-operative, at which to test their mettle, all of which is bound in "Splinter Cell-quality graphics". If Ubisoft Shanghai can live up to their previous exploits then PS2 owners should be in for a treat this March.

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