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Project Rub sequel web-demos

Babies come from the Internet.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

We love stupid webgames. We're playing one right now (ooh how META, or something). So we should probably say nice things about the Nintendo DS, because thanks to its stylus-based input system it's helped give us plenty of web-based demos. The latest of which is... oh, you read the headline. The SEGA website has 'em.

Where Do Babies Come From? is inobviously the follow-up to DS launch title Project Rub, which was even more confusingly known as Feel the Magic: XY-XX in the States (and therefore over most of the Internet) and as I Would Die For You in Japan, where things are even stranger.

The sequel is about some sort of love triangle involving new characters, but the thing you all care about - once you get past the cutesy silhouetted comic cel storytelling - is the actual game content, and as before it's all largely stylus-based. Presumably there'll be microphone efforts too, like last time, but that's rather more difficult to demonstrate using the majority of computers, so the two demos on the SEGA website instead give us an idea how the stylus efforts work.

Neither's particularly exciting, but they're certainly preferable to twiddling your thumbs (how clever of us!). You can access them (assuming you're using IE and not FireFox or similar) by clicking the second button down from the top-right on the frontpage. Then click the Nintendo DS on the left-hand side of the page you end up on, and you'll be presented with a DS-shaped pop-up with three icons. The top two load the "Eyes" and "Dinner" mini-games, while the third toggles sound. Enjoy - and thanks to 1UP for the instructions.

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