News channel uses Metal Gear Solid 5 screenshot in child soldiers report
What a misnake.
Russia Today has been spotted using a screenshot from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain in a political commentary report on African child soldiers.

The image was broadcast earlier this week during an interview with Emmanuel Jal, a former child soldier who grew up to become a hip-hop artist (thanks, Kotaku).
It's unclear how RT mistook the image for a photo - although on the upside, it's a nice endorsement for Kojima Productions' shiny new FOX Engine.
The Metal Gear Solid 5 image was officially released by Konami as part of the game's promotional materials earlier this year.
It's not the first time that a gaming-related image has popped up on national news. Back in 2012, the BBC accidentally broadcast the logo of Halo's fictitious United Nations Space Command during a report on Syria - mistaking it for that of the real-life United Nations Security Council.