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MS spins third place in October NPD

As Nintendo looks towards record books.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Following a third-place console finish, Microsoft has chosen to focus on US Xbox 360 third-party software and peripheral sales as well as yearly sales growth.

"Xbox 360 remains the only console showing year-to-date growth," boasted Microsoft, "and consumers spent $289m on Xbox 360 hardware, software and accessories in October - more than any other platform."

The Xbox 360 sold 250,000 units during October in the US. Microsoft said sales for the period from January to October were up 7 per cent from 2008.

Nintendo, on the other hand, buoyed by nearly 1m combined hardware sales of Wii and DS, looked towards the record books. The DS, said the company's statement, is "poised to surpass the all-time single-year US hardware sales record" of 10m units, set by the Wii in 2008.

The statement added that the Wii sales spike was a "remarkable result" considering the five-week month of September.

"We are very appreciative of the continued, strong consumer response to both of our systems as we head into the holidays," said Nintendo of America second-in-command, Cammie Dunaway, "and are excited to bring to them our key games [New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Zelda: Spirit Tracks] this year."

Sony hasn't reacted to October's NPD results.

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