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Metal Gear Solid remade in Dreams looks surprisingly authentic

Meanwhile, someone has made a Spider-Ham.

We're back with your weekly dose of Dreams goodness - and this time it's a big one, as a player is using the creator to remake Metal Gear Solid. All of it.

YouTuber and Dreams tinkerer Bearly Regal has been working on the project for several weeks: having previously uploaded a very work-in-progress teaser trailer of the game's first level, he's returned with an update to report on his latest work. He's now got a vastly improved environment, which you can take a peep at here. It looks pretty... solid.

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Regal explains that his previous version had problems with the crates taking up "60 per cent memory", but thanks to tips from fellow Dreams creators on Twitter (and apparently even Media Molecule devs), he was able to learn new techniques to improve the textures and optimise the items. He's currently borrowing a Solid Snake model while he's working on his own, which seems to be producing, er, mixed results.

Of course, while Metal Gear Solid got a remake on Gamecube (and a flashback in Metal Gear Solid 4), it never got a proper HD remake, so this Dreams project is one way to imagine what that would look like. Even Hideo Kojima has given his approval, in his own special way.

Progress on Regal's project seems to be going well so far, but he's set himself a gargantuan task: to remake the entire game rather than just one level. It may be some time before we see the finished product. Although, given Dreams only entered early access on 16th April, the speed at which this has been put together is pretty impressive.

The Metal Gear Solid remake isn't the only impressive feat of design from Dreams this week, however - someone's created a fully-functioning Spider-Ham, complete with swinging physics and a very convincing character model.

If the upcoming Spiderman film ends up being a disappointment, at least we'll have something to fall bacon.

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