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Metabomb is hiring a Staff Writer!

The world could always use more heroes.

Metabomb - Gamer Network's competitive gaming site and sister-site of Eurogamer - is hiring a full-time Staff Writer to join the editorial team.

Specifically, we're looking for someone with a deep and enduring love of Overwatch who can write sparkling and original news, guides and feature content about the game.

We're planning to broaden the site's coverage further in 2017, and so for around half of each working day you'll also be immersing yourself into new games and writing the same kind of high quality guides content. For that reason, a passion for competitive gaming in general (particularly MOBAs), will be a crucial part of a successful application.

The role is based in Gamer Network's Brighton office, which is a lovely place to work and packed full of thoroughly decent people. If you'd like to join us and you think you've got the right stuff for the role, have a look at the full job description over at our Staff Writer recruitment page.

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