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Merger between the UK's two biggest video game magazine publishers given the go-ahead

Imagine the Future.

The merger between Future and Imagine has been given the go-ahead.

What next for GamesTM?

In June, Future announced that it had agreed to buy Miura, the parent company of Imagine Publishing, for Future shares representing £14.2m.

The news that Future, which runs Edge magazine, PC Gamer and Official PlayStation and Xbox magazines, wanted to merge with Miura, whose Imagine Publishing subsidiary runs GamesTM and Retro Gamer, sparked a number of questions about the future of UK video magazines, and the deal was pending the result of an inquiry by the Competition and Markets Authority.

The CMA had found competition issues, but only in relation to the acquisition of one sci-fi title (Sci-Fi Now). So, Future agreed with the CMA to ring-fence Sci-Fi. And now the CMA has told Future it has no objection to the acquisition.

Future has targeted 21st October 2016 for completion of the deal.

"We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with the CMA so quickly," Future boss Zillah Byng-Thorne said.

"The financial and operational implications of selling one title are minimal."

While the merger is secure, the future of Imagine's video game properties remains unclear.

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