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Looks like Borderlands is getting a PC, PS4, Xbox One re-release

Pandora's box copy.

The original Borderlands looks like it will get a new lease of life for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One via a new Game of the Year Edition.

Originally launched for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2009, a new rating for Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition has now popped up on the regularly leaky Korean Ratings Board (thanks, Gamasutra).

A relaunch of the first Borderlands game makes sense. It would act as a warm-up to an all-new Borderlands 3, which developer Gearbox said would be its next game more than two years ago.

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Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel are already available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in the form of the recent Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

How about an E3 reveal of Borderlands 3 and a simultaneous release of Borderlands 1 as an appetiser?

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