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LittleBigPlanet 2 won't have 3D - Sony


Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has pulled a U-turn on its decision to include stereoscopic 3D in upcoming PS3 exclusive LittleBigPlanet 2.

On the US PlayStation blog, Sony's Mark Valledor informed a reader: "Sorry, no 3D this time around."

LittleBigPlanet 2 was one of the games Sony listed as a headline PS3 torch-carrier at E3 this summer. Why Sony and Media Molecule have decided against the visual output of the future we'll endeavour to find out.

LittleBigPlanet 2 missed an autumn 2010 release. The new date of January allows Media Molecule time to polish the game's online multiplayer and iron out any bugs.

That US PS blog-post points out that the online servers are now "almost done", and that a final phase of beta testing will happen next week - with fresh invites sent out for participants.

Later in December, on 22nd, a Story Mode demo will be plopped out. But before then, Sony's due to release a PlayStation Move-specific download called Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves. Inside will be 10 dinosaur-themed levels engineered by Terrance Dactyl, the old reptile.

The idea is for the person with the Move controller to flick switches to help people using the normal PS3 pad controls to progress. That Prehistoric idea sorry Moves game is coming to PlayStation Plus 8th December and everyone else on 14th December.

John Teti makes his own LBP2 trailer for Eurogamer.

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