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Lionhead making MMO-like new IP RPG for next Xbox - report

UPDATE: Fable dev issues statement.

UPDATE: Lionhead has issued Eurogamer the following statement:

"Lionhead is in the business of making great games. We regularly look to hire great individuals to help in this cause. We have no further details to share at this time."

ORIGINAL STORY: Fable maker Lionhead is making an MMO-like role-playing game for the next Xbox, a job advertisement suggests.

It has single-player and multiplayer elements with four-player co-op, and is a new IP, according to an ad on LinkedIn (spotted by Superannuation).

"Opportunity to work on MMO like title for next generation consoles. AAA game and budget!" the post reads.

"This is to assist in the development of a major brand new IP that is being targeted for the future generation of platforms and will be an RPG based game with a radical new take on how co-operative and multiplayer gameplay feeds into the experience, while blending online and single-player into one complete experience."

There's mention of a "complex progression system, multiple routes through the campaign, and an MMO like multiplayer experience that will affect the outcome of the player experience, and many other attributes surrounding their profile (such as the environment and the outcome of certain actions)".

A multiplayer level designer is wanted, someone who ideally has worked on four-player co-op games. The development team size is said to be 150+.

This isn't the first time we've heard of Lionhead making an MMO. In December last year the Guildford studio sought a programmer with MMO skills to help make an unannounced game. Experience with Epic Games' Unreal Engine - which Lionhead is using to build Fable: The Journey - was a plus.

We've asked Lionhead for comment.

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