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Leisure Suit Larry is back from the dead for some reason


There's a new Leisure Suit Larry game for some reason.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry comes out autumn 2018 on PC and Mac. Like the Leisure Suit Larry games of old, this one's a point and click adventure "with questionable pickup lines".

The note to press includes the following eye-rolling line: "Larry moves straight from the 80s into the 21st century. In times of #metoo and online dating via smartphone, Larry has to find his way around."

It's the work of a German studio called CrazyBunch. Bet they're a crazy bunch!

There's more. The note to press also includes a line from Larry himself, a man out of time in so many ways.

"Hey ladies, I'm back in business! My new adventure, Leisure Suit Larry - Wet dreams don't dry, takes me - whatever the route or twist of fate - from the end of the '80s directly to the 21st Century and wow, how the world has changed! While my view of the world and women from way back in the 1980s collides with modern reality harder than the breasts of a lusciously stacked blonde jogging along a beach, I'm all set to date my way across the modern world!

"In a point & click adventure I'd call typical for the genre we mutually experience how I fall head-over-heels in love with Faith, the hot-to-trot assistant to the boss at Prune, a technology enterprise successful worldwide. Since even dating is done digitally nowadays, the first thing I have to do is to work on my score at Timber, the totally hip, can't-get-anywhere-without-it dating app where I date women, satisfy their needs, and accordingly pick up points for my Timber profile. And whenever I get a chance in between, always briefly check out a few new bikini pix at Instacrap - the 21st century is gnarly smill!"

I thought the Leisure Suit Larry series died after ex-Eurogamer extraordinaire Ellie Gibson savaged 2013's terrible Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded. In her 2/10 review, Ellie concluded: "The world did not need this Leisure Suit Larry game, and it does not need any more."

Did the crazy bunch not get the memo?

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