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Lee and Clementine voice actors livecasting The Walking Dead finale playthrough tonight

And answering your questions.

The two leading voice artists behind Telltale's brilliant The Walking Dead series will broadcast a live playthrough of its first season finale tonight on

It's the first time that Dave Fennoy (Lee Everett) and Melissa Hutchison (Clementine) will play through the emotional final episode together. I'll be getting weepy, anyway, even if they don't.

Sound fun? The duo will also be answering your questions and giving away limited edition The Walking Dead merchandise. It all starts at 8pm UK time, and you can watch via the link below.

Tonight's stream comes ahead of the upcoming 400 Days DLC, a new episode featuring the stories of five fresh protagonists set in The Walking Dead's world. That's due to arrive in early July.

Tissues at the ready. #thefeels

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