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Konami classics coming PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch

Castlevania! Gradius! Contra! More!

Fancy playing Contra on your Switch? I know Martin does, as I woke up to a message from him this morning saying it had been announced.

Konami is rounding up some of its best-known classics into a set of downloadable collections due to launch on PC and consoles over the next few months.

Each collection will contain eight games, and launch digitally for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The sets are coming now to celebrate Konami's 50th birthday - the company previously having been a jukebox business before the late '70s, when it moved into arcade games.

Konami's Arcade Classics collection is up first, on 18th April, priced $20 (UK price TBA). It will contain Haunted Castle, A-Jax, Gradius, Gradius 2, Salamander, Thunder Cross, Scramble and TwinBee.

Following that, sometime "early summer" but without a firm release date, will be the Castlevania Anniversary Collection and Contra Anniversary Collection.

Castlevania's collection will contain Castlevania 1, 2, 3 and Super Castlevania, along with four more to-be-announced titles.

Contra's collection will include Contra, Super Contra, Super C, Contra 3: The Alien Wars and another four more games in the series.

Thanks Martin, you can go back to sleep now.

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