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Kojima: "Definitely pressure" for MGS5

Although what's next is still up in the air.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Hideo Kojima has admitted that there is "definitely pressure" to continue working on the Metal Gear Solid series, even after he repeatedly said that he saw last year's Guns of the Patriots as his last instalment.

"Sure, there is definitely pressure," he told Kikizo.

"We don't belong wholly to Konami, so that pressure might be lighter, but since Kojima Productions is a part of Konami and Konami does the business side of things, yeah, I feel pressure there, that there's a need for it to be a successful, ongoing series."

Kojima also confused the matter slightly at the Game Developers Conference last month when he described his final mission as "The Next MGS".

At the time he said that he wanted to approach the game using a mixture of Japanese and Western development philosophies.

"I feel it's time to look outside of Japan," he elaborated in the Kikizo interview. "You know - what can we absorb, what can we copy from these Western developers? What kind of steps should we take as Kojima Productions to change for the better and remain a strong global studio? That's what we're thinking right now."

As for what Kojima is working on, there's still no more word than there was last month when he said, "An official game announcement will be made at E3."

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