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Is We Dare too raunchy for America?

Racy party game could be Europe-only.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Saucy PS3 and Wii party game We Dare will not be available in America, publisher Ubisoft has confirmed.

A spokesperson for the publisher told IGN that the party game, which sees you spanking your chums, snogging the controller and stripping down to your undies, will "absolutely not see release in the United States".

No further explanation was offered, though a glimpse at the rather extraordinary trailer, which has now been region-restricted to Europe on YouTube, might offer a few clues.

Ubisoft is taking an unusual approach with this one. No formal press release has been issued announcing the game's arrival, and so far our interview requests have fallen on deaf ears.

However, an Amazon product description throws up a little more information.

"Use the Wii-mote and PS3 Move controller in unbelievable ways, as you've never imagined before... wave it around to the beat of your favourite tunes, old and new... put it in your pocket and act-out flirtatious actions..." reads the listing.

"Sometimes co-operative hugging helps, and it certainly doesn't hurt.

"And there's more! You can also use your Wii Balance Board for additional gameplay based on pure body mass... are you the lightest one in the group? Perhaps shedding some clothes will even the playing field... it'll definitely make the party more interesting!"

It's probably worth noting at this point that the game has a 12 and over PEGI rating.

35 "fun and flirtatious" mini-games are promised, for up to four players on Wii or two on PlayStation 3.

According to the Amazon listing, you'll be able to pick it up on 11th March.

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