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How are Sega's video games selling?

Rome 2 breaks 1m barrier. But what about Football Manager, Sonic and CoH2?

Sega has released its financial results for the year ending 31st March 2014, and so we get some firm figures for its video game slate.

Top of the tree is Creative Assembly's strategy game Total War: Rome 2, which sifted 1.13 million copies across Europe and North America. Despite the game being divisive for many players, it was a commercial success. Soon after the game launched in September 2013 its concurrent player number on Steam tripled that of predecessor Shogun.

Next up is Sports Interactive's Football Manager 2014, which has sold 790,000 copies across Europe and the US. Sales of the game are down on its predecessor because, Sports Interactive has said, it was cracked and made available illegally a lot earlier than Football Manager 2013. FM13 was the best-selling game in the series, with 940,000 sales.

In third place in Sega's video game sales list is Wii U and 3DS game Sonic Lost World, which has sold 710,000 across Europe, North America and Japan.

Relic Entertainment's World War 2 real-time strategy game Company of Heroes 2 sold 680,000 copies in Europe and the US. And bringing up the rear is the Japan-only PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 title Ryu ga gotoku Ishin! with 390,000 sales.

For Sega, sales of traditional video games were "low" due to "the harsh market environment". In total, sales of video games fell to 8.7m.

However, digital games made for mobile and PC downloading, as Sega categorises it, "remained favourable". This category includes online role-playing game Phantasy Star Online 2.

Overall, Sega saw a profit of 30.7 billion yen (£178m) for the financial year, off the back of 378 billion yen (£2.1bn) in revenue. That profit was down 8.2 per cent on the previous year.

Looking to the next financial year, Sega said it will continue to focus on digital and PC online games like Phantasy Star Online 2 and casual games for mobile. Its release slate includes Alien: Isolation from Creative Assembly, the standalone expansion to Company of Heroes 2, a new Football Manager game and Sonic Boom.

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