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Hideki Kamiya wants to make Bayonetta 3 after Scalebound

"It's actually something I've been thinking a lot about."

Bayonetta adjusts her glasses with her gun to the backdrop of the moon
Image credit: Platinum Games

Bayonetta and Devil May Cry creator Hideki Kamiya wants to make a third Bayonetta title after he wraps up development on Scalebound.

When asked in an interview with Polygon if he'd consider making Bayonetta 3 next, Kamiya replied, "To answer your question straightly, yes."

"It's actually something I've been thinking a lot about," he continued. "We've talked a lot about it internally at the company and I've written some outlines for what the game would be. And I feel really confident it would be cool if we got the chance to make it."

Kamiya also told Metro in interview "Of course we want to make 3" and "Why should it end at 2?"

When asked if he's spoken to any publishers about this Kamiya replied, "No, but I've spent a lot of time thinking in my head what that game would be. I've got ideas in my head for Okami 2 as well."

Should either of these happen, it would be the first time Kamiya will have directed a sequel to his own work. He worked on the story for Bayonetta 2 and Viewtiful Joe 2, but didn't helm them, and he directed Resident Evil 2, but not its predecessor.

I wouldn't get too excited about Okami comment as Capcom still owns the rights to that property, but Bayonetta is a franchise owned by Platinum Games, the studio Kamiya co-founded. As such, it's far more likely he could make this happen.

Since directing Bayonetta Kamiya took some time away from the series to direct The Wonderful 101 and now Scalebound.

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