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Half-Minute Hero 2 teased for a western Steam release

UPDATE: Coming this Friday.

UPDATE 01/04/2014: Half-Minute Hero's sequel, Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming, is slated for a Friday, 4th April release on Steam, publisher Marvelous AQL has announced.

The publisher also joked that it will be $999.99 with a 25 per cent discount available for those who own the first game. It then noted that not all of that information is true (check today's date). We're pretty confident the price is the only gag there while the rest of the information checks out.

Here's a new trailer celebrating Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming's English-language debut.

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ORIGINAL STORY 27/03/2014: Half-Minute Hero 2 looks like it will get a western release after all following publisher Marvelous AQL teasing a blurred out release date and gameplay video on its Facebook page.

The RPG sequel was released in Japan in 2011, but has yet to see an English-language release. The following gameplay video shows that this is in the works, while a leaked Steam document in January outed the sequel as something in the portal's database.

Based on the trailer, it appears that Half-Minute Hero 2 will feature competitive online multiplayer, an Infinite Battle mode, a Time Attack mode, and of course a main story campaign.

Last November Marvelous' producer Esteban Salazar told Siliconera "It's considerably more expensive to put out the sequel and we need to sell a lot more of the first game on PC to begin to justify it." Looks like the first game sold those copies after all.

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