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Hack 'n' Slash is "just weeks away" from Steam Early Access

UPDATE: Out now for £14.99.

UPDATE 07/05/2014: Hack 'n' Slash has finally launched on Steam Early Access, where it costs £14.99 (or £18.99 with the soundtrack).

To get a brief glimpse at how Hack 'n' Slash operates, check out this developer walkthrough explaining its most basic tool: the hack sword.

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ORIGINAL STORY 11/04/2014: Hack 'n' Slash - Double Fine's fourth wall-breaking action puzzler about hacking the game that you're in - is "just weeks away" from launching on Steam Early Access, the developer has announced.

To commemorate the occasion, Double Fine has created the following amazing trailer that hearkens back to the days when children rapped about The Legend of Zelda.

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Hack 'n' Slash will be available on PC, Mac and Linux where it will be priced at $14.99 (about £9).

Project lead Brandon Dillon explained that Hack 'n' Slash's "puzzle dungeons will be designed to teach you progressively more sophisticated hacking, cheating and reverse-engineering tools. And they won't be toys. They'll actually be used to hack the running game." That's pretty f****** meta!

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