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Grow Home's sequel Grow Up lands in August

Shoot for the moon.

Ubisoft Reflection's glorious robotic platformer Grow Home is getting a sequel. Grow Up will be out in August for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

The sequel sees robotic hero BUD leaving the watchful eye of MOM behind as he explores a whole world of platforming pleasures. To go along with the larger scope, there are new abilities: BUD can turn into a bouncing ball and a jet plane, by the looks of it. The video shown at Ubisoft's E3 press conference also suggested he could carry beads of water around, throw down mushrooms to bounce on as well as climbing shoots, and generally catapult his way around the place.

The ultimate aim seems to be to reach the moon, but if this is anywhere near as good as the original, there will be loads more to do besides.

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