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Google responds to fan complaints around lack of solid Stadia announcements

Says publishers responsible for revealing new games.

Google has responded to community complaints regarding a continued lack of solid information around promised features and new releases for its Stadia streaming platform, arguing that game announcements are the responsibility of individual publishers.

The company's latest defence appears to have be spurred on by an extremely active thread posted to the official Stadia subreddit earlier this week, highlighting the fact that 40 days had passed without much in the way of a solid update from Google.

Specifically, its author called out the fact that there were still no details on any of the 120 Stadia games Google claimed it was "tracking" for a 2020 release earlier this month, still no word on Stadia's iOS app, still no word on family sharing, still no word on Stadia's free Base service, and at least an additional two-month wait for Stadia's previously promised 4K browser support, Assistant functionality, and true wireless controller support.

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Stadia community manager GraceFromGoogle responded to thread participants, writing, "All the concerns you've brought to the table are completely valid, and I understand where your frustrations are coming from. Nobody likes to be left in the dark. While I don't have product updates to share right at this second, I can promise you that I have been, and will continue taking feedback posted to r/Stadia and other channels."

Coincidentally or otherwise, as the Reddit thread continued to gain traction, Google did in fact pipe up to announce two new free games - Gylt and Metro Exodus - being offered to Stadia Pro members in February, but, now, it's given broader feedback on its announcement strategy in a statement provided to

Of the 120 Stadia games referenced earlier this month, Google has clarified that not all will be announced by the Stadia team. "We leave it up to the publishers to make the announcement about their IP/games, and which platforms it will appear on," it said in its statement, "just as we will do with the exclusive content coming to Stadia."

"There are a lot of reasons for the time of those game announcements," the company continued, "anything from planned promotions or events, title readiness, proximity to first playable demo, shareholder requirements, etc. We continue to work closely with our publishing and developing partners and are here to support them in all areas."

Concluding its statement, Google wrote, "We are excited to share more about some of the exclusive games coming to Stadia soon." However, given that the three-month Stadia Pro subscriptions included as part of the streaming platform's Founders Edition are set to expire in a couple of weeks, owners may well be wanting more solid assurances about Stadia's future plans before they consider renewing their membership.

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