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Gay Tony has sexy bits, says BBFC

Enough to ensure it gets an 18 rating.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The BBFC has revealed there are some "strong" sexy moments in upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV downloadable add-on The Ballad of Gay Tony.

These, plus "very strong language" and "hard drug use", have resulted in an 18 rating for Episodes of Liberty City - a standalone bundle of The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. The game passed certification with no cuts made.

In a spoiler-filled description, the BBFC describes the key moments in BOGT.

"There game includes some sex scenes," it reads. "The sex is quite strong, but always masked and the characters concerned are invariably fully clothed (no nudity)." Then there's some stuff about a lady giving a man a nice present and the man returning the favour, twice. Including once during what must have been a quiet half hour in the office.

The Ballad of Gay Tony will be released on 29th October for 1600 Microsoft Points (GBP 13.60 / EUR 19.20) exclusively on Xbox 360.

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