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Games Done Quick pulls in $400k for coronavirus relief fund

Running from home.

Summer Games Done Quick 2020, like many gaming events this year, had to be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak - yet that wasn't enough to stop GDQ from raising money for charity. Instead, an online-only speedrunning event called Corona Relief Done Quick was organised, and the marathon has now raised over $400k (£353k).

Between 17th-20th April, over 6000 people donated to help GDQ reach its $400k milestone. All the proceeds are going to Direct Relief, a "humanitarian aid organisation with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies".

If you want to catch up on some of the runs - which include a spectacular Cuphead sprint, Castlevania runs, NieR Automata and more, you can find it all over on Games Done Quick's Twitch channel. And, of course, there's still time to donate: you can help bump up that total over here.

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