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Game of Thrones PC/PS3/360 action RPG release date

This summer, if winter ever passes.

Game of Thrones, the action RPG based on the popular telly series, will be released "early June" on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, distributor Koch Media has announced.

Alarm bells.

Looking Sharpe.

Developer Cyanide, barely six months ago, delivered naff Game of Thrones strategy spin-off A Game of Thrones: Genesis. It was A Game of 5/10 Quality.

So what hope has Cyanide's rapidly turned out action RPG got of being any good? Let's hope we're not seeing the full picture, and that publisher Focus Home Interactive isn't rushing the game out to coincide with the currently-airing second series of Game of Thrones on TV.

George R.R. Martin, the author whose A Song of Fire and Ice novels A Game of Thrones is based upon, had "creative input" on story, which is new, which is promising.

In the Game of Thrones action RPG you'll play as Mors or Alester and level up your fantasy hero through combat. You'll visit recognisable places and see recognisable faces, and natter politically as the characters do on TV.

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