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Galak-Z and Perspective dev launches Kickstarter for puzzler Four Sided Fantasy

The mind-bending successor to Digipen puzzler The Fourth Wall.

In early 2012 Digipen student Logan Fieth created a 2D puzzle game called The Fourth Wall. It used the longstanding "wrap-around" effect - in which walking through one edge of the screen repositions you on the opposite side ala Asteroids or Towerfall - as the basis for its brainteasing as players were able to shift the camera around, dictating the level's geometry based on which borders were visible.

For example, you could get past a wall in the center of the screen by locking the camera such that you would walk through the west side, then appear on the east end. From there, you could unlock the camera to pan alongside you, as demonstrated in the gif below.

Now, Fieth and his studio, Ludo Land, have set up a Kickstarter to remake The Fourth Wall as a full commercial effort, Four Sided Fantasy. The art and music have been drastically enhanced, along with the puzzle design and length. While The Fourth Wall was a proof of concept, Four Sided Fantasy aims to extend the premise significantly the way Portal stemmed from former Digipen offering Narbicular Drop.

Speaking of former Digipen projects, Fieth was also the level designer behind another perspective-based student game, Perspective, which likewise created some point-of-view related puzzles as players walked around in first-person to influence the level for a 2D sprite traipsing about various surfaces. We covered that splendid little project nearly two years ago.

Th Seattle-based developer's resume was so impressive that he briefly joined Skulls of the Shogun developer 17-Bit to work on its upcoming roguelike space shooter Galak-Z, but he decided to step away and do his own thing. It's worth noting that his former employers were quite fond of his work, as 17-Bit founder Jake Kazdal waxed flowery about Four Sided Fantasy in the pitch video below.

Four Sided Fantasy is slated for a PC release in early 2015. Players can reserve a copy for $10, while early birds can snag beta access ahead of time for $15 (it will go up to $20 once the first 200 of these are reserved).

So far Four Sided Fantasy has only acquired $13,833 of its $35K goal with only a week to go before the deadline expires on 6th May. In the meantime, you can download The Fourth Wall for free from Four Sided Fantasy's Kickstarter page.

Tilting is a new feature added since The Fourth Wall. It looks like a lovely addition.

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