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Free-to-play game Doctor Who: Legacy launches tomorow

Companion app.

BBC Worldwide has announced a 27th November release date for Doctor Who: Legacy, its new free-to-play title starring the travelling Timelord.

Versions for both iOS and Android will appear on their respective stores tomorrow and offer Whovians an "easy to learn, hard to master" experience where you collect a team of companions and allies to face off against the show's baddies.

The app's initial version will include episodes and characters from the latest two series starring Matt Smith - so expect Weeping Angels in New York, pirates, dinosaurs, a marriage and Hitler.

Series five episodes will launch after New Year and again be free. More episodes will then follow (Tennant! Ecclescakes!), but whether these will be free or not has yet to be announced.

"With decades of epic adventures to draw from, Doctor Who: Legacy is a loving homage created by loyal Whovians, and is rich in the show's creative legacy and fun," said Lee Cummings, creative director of the project at Tiny Rebel Games. "[It's] a treat for fans, casual players and even the most hard-core gamers alike."

Doctor Who: Legacy is part of a new mobile focus for the brand after earlier console title The Eternity Clock failed to impress.

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