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Fez dated for Steam in early May

UPDATE: Coming to Mac, but probably not 3DS. Working with Sony to hopefully make a PSN port.

Update: Fez creator Phil Fish has confirmed that a Mac port is on the way as well, but no date has been set for it.

The outspoken developer made the announcement in a Reddit AMA, where he noted that his cult classic probably won't come to 3DS.

"People keep assuming Fez would be a no-brainer on 3DS, but in truth it would be kind of pointless," he said. "The game is practically always shown in isometric 3D, there's never any perspective there. I don't think it would work."

When asked about a PSN version, Fish replied, "We're working on that with Sony. Can't say more than that right now."

Fish noted that he originally didn't want Fez to feature a map at all, but enough feedback convinced him it was a good idea, even if he's not totally satisfied with it. "Originally I wanted no map at all. I wanted people to draw their own maps," Fish explained. "But then I realised that the way the world of Fez is structured makes it really hard to 'graph' it. That was confirmed when we finally decided to give making the map a go. I'm not 100 per cent happy with how it turned out. It's probably one of the weakest aspect of the game."

Another addition to Fez that Fish was initially weary of was the talking sidekick, Dot. Ultimately Fish noted that Dot "turned out pretty great, and ended up playing a huge role in the game's mythology."

When asked "Are there any secrets in Fez that no one has discovered / figured out completely yet?" Fish curtly replied, "yes." So there you go, fellow secret hunters.

Original story: Eurogamer's 2012 Game-of-the-Year winner Fez is coming to PC on 1st May via Steam.

Phil Fish's abstract puzzle platformer set our inner detectives on fire last April where we all scribbled down notes trying to decrypt its arcane secrets.

"Games like Uncharted and Arkham City may cast you in the role of an archaeologist or detective, but only Fez, with its carefully crafted enigmas and mesmerising, abstract world, made me feel like the world's greatest sleuth," I wrote when we commemorated Fez with our GOTY award at the dawn of a new year. Our Oli Welsh likewise fell in love with it upon its release where he awarded it a 10/10 in his Fez review.

Ostensibly this new version of Fez won't contain the game-breaking bug that developer Polytron said it couldn't afford to fix due to Microsoft's expensive patch issuing policies.

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