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Excellent iPad puzzler Slydris coming to iPhone, probably not Android

"I've not heard good things about selling through Google Play."

Top-notch iPad game Slydris - today's Eurogamer App of the Day - will soon launch for iPhone.

Slydris will be made compatible with iPhone in a new update, its creator Luke Schneider has confirmed.

Schneider, the one-man talent behind indie developer Radiangames, chose to launch the game on iPad to make use of the device's larger screen.

"The size issue is the main reason I decided to focus on iPad-only at first," Schneider told Eurogamer sister site Modojo. "Now that I've had more time to think about it, I have some better idea of how to squeeze it down for the iPhone, so I will be attempting that with the next update."

Schneider, however, was cool on the possibility of porting his games to Android.

"There are two major downsides to Android: Supporting so many different resolutions and devices is a major pain, even though my games are pretty resolution-switching-friendly. And I've not heard good things about selling through Google Play (more in terms of sales numbers than user experience)," he said.

"That said, someday I'll probably get a Unity Android license and try converting a game or two. But most Android games that make money are free-to-play (on iOS too, but it's possible to do OK with paid), and I'm not in a hurry to do free-to-play games."

Find out why Eurogamer likes Slydris so much in today's App of the Day feature. "This is a puzzle game that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the very best of the genre," Chris Schilling wrote. "A game that has the longevity and depth of Drop7 without being quite so chilly or austere."

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