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Elite Dangerous' Odyssey expansion shows off some on-foot combat in new gameplay trailer

Landing early next year on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Elite Dangerous' eagerly awaited Odyssey expansion - the one that gives you feet, among other things - isn't too far off now, and developer Frontier has cranked its hype handle a little tighter with the release of a new gameplay trailer, debuting some first-person shooty combat.

When the paid Odyssey expansion arrives, Commanders will, for the first time, be able to leave the confines of their star ships, stretching their legs to roam around the likes of outposts, planetports, spaceports, even dustbowl-like settlements.

Here, they'll find NPCs only to happy to dole out missions that reward credits, and at least some of those will require players to draw their weapon and indulge in a spot of laser-spewing on-foot action. Previously, Frontier explained commanders will be able to don gear, equip different munitions, and team up with fellow space adventurers as they get stuck into combat scenarios.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Gameplay Reveal Trailer.Watch on YouTube

There are snatches of the ensuing action - alongside a lot of sweeping planetary vistas and bustling space ports - in Frontier's newly revealed gameplay trailer above.

Credits don't just come to the trigger happy, of course, and less bloodthirsty players will, when out of their ships, also have the opportunity to earn money in a number of other ways, including scanning local flora to collect sellable data while out exploring, or, more nefariously, stealing from settlements to sell on the black market.

Frontier's latest Elite Dangerous trailer is certainly another tantalising glimpse of things to come, and we'll know more as Odyssey's early 2021 release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC approaches.

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