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Elite: Dangerous Oculus Rift support confirmed

Oculus Rift version to be made available to backers at no extra cost.

Frontier boss David Braben.

Elite: Dangerous will support virtual reality headset Oculus Rift, Frontier Developments has announced.

Frontier said the Oculus Rift version of the crowd-funded space trading and combat game will be made available to all backers who have an Oculus Rift headset at no extra cost.

"We've been playing with the Oculus Rift dev kits and are excited about the potential - just glancing around your cockpit or being totally immersed in a space battle," said Frontier boss David Braben.

"Many of our backers have made it clear that they would like Oculus Rift support - and so do we! We're very pleased with the results so far."

Frontier raised £1.7 million via Kickstarter to develop Elite: Dangerous. Oculus is also the result of a Kickstarter. Oculus VR raised over $2.4 million during its campaign.

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