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Elite: Dangerous footage blasts through multiplayer dogfight

Braben's Kickstarter creeps past 700k of £1.25m goal.

Industry legend David Braben has revealed new gameplay footage of Kickstarter hopeful Elite: Dangerous.

The video shows Braben and fellow developers take part in a furious space-based dogfight, as mercenaries and pirates squabble over an intergalactic convoy.

Elite: Dangerous has raised £719,885 at the time of writing. It has 23 days left to meet its £1.25 million goal. It'll be tight.

Separately, one man's own Kickstarter project to afford the £4500 Elite: Dangerous "Writer's Pack" pledge has been successful. Novellist Drew Wagar is now able to afford the donation, which grants him the ability to write and release an official piece of fiction set in the Elite: Dangerous universe.

Wagar's total now stands at £5272, with new stretch goals designed to afford professional printing and editing.

Watch new footage from the game below.

Watch on YouTube

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