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Diablo 3 open beta saw 300,000 play at the same time

Server gets stiff stress test ahead of launch.

The Diablo 3 open beta saw a whopping 300,000 people play at the same time, Blizzard has revealed.

The open beta, which ran over the weekend, was designed to stress test Blizzard's servers ahead of the hotly anticipated PC game's launch. It certainly did that.

"I think we peaked at around 300k concurrent [users]," Blizzard community manager Bashiok tweeted.

Total users? "I don't know... a lot."

Over the weekend some Diablo 3 beta players found it difficult to gain access to the game, which requires access to the internet to run. Blizzard advised players to keep trying despite constant log-in errors.

The game itself launches on Tuesday, 15th May.

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