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Diablo 3 listed for PlayStation 3 by German shop

An exclusive?

On the eve of the E3 trade show, Diablo 3 for PlayStation 3 has popped up on an online shop's website.

The online show in question is German retailer RedCoon.

The site mentions a 2012 release and "multiplayer support via, with opportunities for cooperative and competitive" gameplay. There is no listing for an Xbox 360 version.

This isn't the first time we've heard whispers of Diablo 3 on console. Indeed developer Blizzard is hiring for such a game - although it has been keen to downplay its efforts as exploration and experimentation only.

In January Blizzard community manager Micah Whiple wrote on Twitter than Josh Mosqueira was the lead designer for the "Diablo console project".

"People don't believe us when we say we're going to make a console game - flat out," Diablo 3 director Jay Wilson said last November, talking of Blizzard's commitment to a console version.

"We haven't officially announced a product. We say that because we like our product announcements to be a big deal. We haven't been as secretive about this one because our biggest barrier is actually getting a console team."

Eurogamer has asked Blizzard for comment.

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