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Devolver's My Friend Pedro is a violent, acrobatic, slow-mo shooter for Switch and PC

It's bananas.

My Friend Pedro is a Nintendo Switch and PC game about shooting people because a banana told you to, and it looks great.

That makes it sound very weird and I'm sure the story is, but the real draw is the balletic, almost Matrix-like, acrobatic side-on gunplay.

The player character uses a mix of split-aiming and slow-motion to clear entire floors of enemies, somersaulting and twirling in mid-air, bouncing bullets of frying pans (hi PUBG!) and signs, and even kicking things like severed heads from the floor into the faces of baddies, because why not? And there are motorbikes and skateboards to use.

Watch on YouTube

My Friend Pedro is the work of DeadToast, a one-person operation by the looks of it - the one person being someone called Victor who spent several years at LittleBigPlanet studio Media Molecule.

My Friend Pedro will launch 2019.

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