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Classic arcade games now playable in tweets

UPDATE: Now removed for violating Twitter rules.

UPDATE 01/05/2015 5.22pm: The tweet-embedded games have been removed from Twitter for violating the site's policy.

As reported by Venture Beat, the embedded games go against the site's "Card Rules" dictating what sort of content can be embedded on the social networking site.

“Do not build end-to-end interactive experiences inside the video or audio player unrelated to Player Card content, such as the following: purchasing, gaming, polling, messaging, and data entry," the site noted in its rules of engagement page. "Instead, build these interactive experiences with our other Card types or enhance your Player Card content with links to your website or mobile application.”

Oh well. Clicking on a link isn't especially inconvenient, but having games actually run from within tweets was amusing in a "the future is now" kinda way.

ORIGINAL STORY 30/04/2015 6.56pm: Last November non-profit archival organisation the Internet Archive made hundreds of classic video games free to play via browser emulation. Now, a whopping 2604 of these titles can be embedded in Tweets should you want your followers to play them on Twitter.

First spotted by Alex Hern and Frank Cifaldi, who embedded Sim City and Maniac Mansion respectively, the games running through the EM-DOSBOX in-browser emulator translate to Twitter.

Such games in this list include Prince of Persia, Pac-Man, Metal Gear, Doom 2, Jazz Jackrabbit, Marble Madness, Ghosts 'N Goblins and thousands more.

Not all of the games translate perfectly to tweet form, however. Testing Maniac Mansion on Google Chrome required me to move the cursor with arrows, for example. Though what can you expect for free?

Here's the full list of tweetable DOS games, in case Twitter wasn't already distracting enough.

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