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Champions Online "coming out first on PC"

Console version(s) later - Roper.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Speaking to Eurogamer, Cryptic's Bill Roper has confirmed that Champions Online will only be available for the PC when it launches this spring.

Cryptic has always said that its superhero MMO was intended for consoles too - an Xbox 360 version is known to be in development, and PS3 is strongly rumoured. But new owners Atari did not specify whether the spring release would be across multiple formats.

"All I know is it's coming out first on the PC," Roper said when asked in today's interview, but he couldn't be specific about console release plans.

"We really, really want to bring it out on console, the consoles are just hungry and perfect for an MMO, and we've done a lot of work to ensure that there's nothing to prevent us from doing that. It's an area beyond my control at this point, I just work on the game."

The superhero MMO is in the early stages of beta testing. For more, check out the interview, and our Champions Online gamepage.

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