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Celeste dev announces new project Earthblade with 'vibe revealing' teaser art and music

Calls it a "2D explor-action game".

Extremely OK Games, the studio behind acclaimed platformer Celeste, has unveiled its next project, Earthblade - what it calls a "2D explor-action game in a seamless pixel art world" - via some mood-setting teaser art and a musical snippet.

"Think of this as a vibe reveal," explains Extremely OK's Maddy Thorson in Earthblade's announcement post. "We didn't want to reveal much about the game or its story yet, but we think that this well establishes the world and the feeling of being in it."

According to Thorson, while the studio has traditionally been quite open with its day-to-day work, "an air of mystery lends itself particularly well to this project, so we've opted to save it all up for a big reveal that will hopefully blow your socks off."

Some patience may be required, however; Thorson says it'll "probably be a while" before the studio is ready to share more on Earthblade, and that the team doesn't know how long development will take, "just that it will take as long as it takes (and that it will take a long time)."

Celeste Launch Trailer.Watch on YouTube

Thorson notes it's taken the studio four prototypes - and three years - to find Earthblade. "Prototypes EXOK1-3 taught us a lot," Thorson explains, "but ultimately we ventured way too far from our comfort zone for them to realistically ever get finished. It took a while, but we feel like we've settled on the right compromise... with Earthblade."

"Now it's our job to turn this ephemeral, pristine mind-object into a real, imperfect and human actual-object," Thorson concludes. "We'll be here, slowly grinding away at that task every day. We really hope that at the end of this, some of you will enjoy what we make".

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