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Catch up with yesterday's EGX Rezzed developer sessions

Mirror's Edge, Dying Light, Divinity, Firewatch, VR, and the EG podcast!

It's day three of Rezzed in East London - our parent company Gamer Network's friendly and indie-focused game show, little sister to September's big, bad (in a good way) EGX. Just like EGX, we host and stream developer sessions live at the show, this time with a little help from our friends at Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Yesterday we featured Mirror's Edge, Dying Light, Firewatch and Divinity: Original Sin 2, while yours truly hosted a session on the future of VR games - and also joined Chris, Aoife and Pip from RPS for a live Eurogamer podcast. If you couldn't make it to London or missed the sessions online, you can catch them all in the YouTube embeds below. (Disclaimer: descriptions copy-pasted from the Rezzed website. It's Saturday morning, sue me.)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Inspirations. Join Erik Odeldahl (Design Director) to hear about the upcoming Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Discover Faith's origin story. Run free in a massive city with a fluidity of movement and combat in first person. Learn about the inspirations and the steps taken to accomplish this new vision from DICE.

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Dying Light. Pawel Rohleder, Director of Research & Technology Development at Techland, discusses how technology can affect the experience of gamers along with the pros and cons of developing and maintaining in-house tech at a dev studio.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun presents: Evolving CRPGs - Divinity: Original Sin 2. Swen Vincke, Creative Director & Founder of Larian Studios explains how the team plans to overcome the challenges of giving multiple players pen-&-paper like freedom in a story-driven RPG.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun presents: The Art of Firewatch. Artist Olly Moss and animator James Benson of Campo Santo and internet fame explain how they recreated the great American landscape of the Wyoming wilderness from their homes in England to support story and exploration in Firewatch.

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What Will VR Games Be Like? In a pivotal year for virtual reality our panel will discuss what they believe gamers can expect from upcoming VR games. The panellists are: Katie Goode from Triangular Pixels, George Kelion & Jackie Tetley from nDreams and Rebellion's Steve Bristow.

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The Eurogamer Podcast. Join host Chris Bratt, Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Philippa Warr, Eurogamer Editor Oli Welsh and Aoife Wilson for a live edition of the popular (is this right?) podcast!

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