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Card Fighters DS fixed

No bug in Euro version.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The European version of SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS won't launch with the game-breaking bug that's been crippling American copies.

But when exactly we'll be ale to play the game is still to be determined, with Ignition Entertainment promising us a definitive date "shortly".

Americans ran into problems on the ninth level of the game, when it crashed after an encounter with an opponent called Jon. Unfortunately the card you collect for completing this part was required to complete the adventure, rendering most people's games broken beyond repair.

SNK has since offered to replace copies in the US, but it's going to take up to six weeks for the freshly ordered replacements to arrive from Nintendo.

But then the game is dreadful. So it shouldn't bother you lot anyway.

Head over to our SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters review to find out why.

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