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BG&E2 to be "more immersive, complex"

Hardware can finally match Ancel's ideas.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Michel Ancel believes that, with the power of the new consoles, he can finally fulfil his original ambitious ideas for Beyond Good & Evil.

"We'll conserve the spirit [of the first game] but the form will change," Ancel told All-Gamers during a video interview, translated by our friends at Eurogamer France. Bon.

"For [BG&E], we wanted to create a more cinematographic game, but we didn't have the technical ability to do that. So we simplified. It was fun, because I remember we had to create a work for Sony to demonstrate how original our game was in order to get the dev kit. We wrote BG&E like we were in a film. After, we understood it would be very tricky to reach that immersion on that console!

"But now, with the next-gen consoles, we feel it is possible to develop the game we thought of for the first," he said.

Ancel said Beyond Good & Evil 2 - announced at UbiDays last May - will take longer to create but be "more immersive" and "more complex" as a result. The French clever-clogs noted that there is more expectation on the sequel now the brand is established, too.

So, when? "It is very difficult to answer: there is an unknown aspect," explained Ancel, revealing that his team has been working on new concepts that don't always work out, making dates difficult to forecast

"We could have finished the game," concludes Ancel, "but we want BG&E2 to bring something to the videogame universe."

He was also coy about which platforms we will see Beyond Good & Evil 2 on.

"We are not sure," Ancel admitted. "We are on a next-gen format but we can't say if it will be one or two." He even kept the possibility of a Wii version alive, claiming that his technical ambitions didn't "eliminate adaptations or particular versions".

Head over to our Beyond Good & Evil gamepage for the reveal trailer.

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